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Many people assume that UX research takes a long time to execute meaningfully. 正因为如此,许多团队忽略了一个关键的组件 product building 因为他们不想拖延上市时间. Research can feel like an unnecessary luxury or something for other teams with bigger budgets. 

But research isn’t a luxury—and doesn’t have to hold up your project or delay your time to market. 根据我们的经验,我们看到更多的延迟发生在项目 don’t 将研究融入生产过程. These projects usually see extended timelines, project bloat, and tech debt.

Without meaningfully centering the user in your creation process and testing as you go, many teams find themselves with products that aren’t as effective or well-received as they’d hoped.

在十大正规博彩网站排名,我们 将用户体验研究融入到每个项目中 we take on. We’re strong proponents of centering the user experience so you can streamline your processes, 构建更加灵活和动态的产品, 并随着时间的推移产生有意义的商业胜利. If you’ve been skeptical about how practical it is to integrate UX research into your project and still be able to meet your deadlines, 我们想让你看看你能在短短12周内完成多少事情.


There are many 研究策略和方法 out there, but if you’re looking to maximize your effectiveness in a short amount of time, 我们整理了一份菜单,列出了你的四种主要选择.

  1. 深度访谈(" IDIs ")
    1. Process: 1:1 interviews are conducted by a facilitator with a notetaker and participant. The facilitator guides the participant through a list of curated and client-approved questions. idi意味着自由流畅、随意的对话. 
    2. Benefit: IDIs allow you to gain a deeper understanding of user goals, expectations, wants, and pain points. They also allow you to collect high-density data through a flexible interview structure and explore unknowns. 
    3. Resultidi可用于帮助通知路线图和功能优先级. 
  1. 拦截调查
    1. Process: 一系列的问题被放在不同的部分 user journeys 从用户的角度收集即时反馈. We like using Hotjar for this.
    2. Benefit: 拦截式研究的主要好处是“了解人们所在的地方”.” Unlike a survey, the user does not have to leave the application to provide feedback. And if you need to learn how users feel about a particular part of the application, you can place questions directly on it and intercept real users as they land on it. 
    3. Result: 这些调查具有很强的针对性, 而且因为它们不具有破坏性, 比起其他策略,你会得到更多的反馈.
  1. 可用性测试和验证
    1. Process: Tests where observers can see how users interact with the product at various design stages. 这些会话可以是有节制的,也可以是无节制的.
    2. Benefit: Your team can run usability tests throughout the design process to help identify pain points before getting to development. 这些测试可以是 定量的还是定性的 and can be as sophisticated as incorporating sentiment analysis, heatmaps, and more.
    3. Result: 像这样的程序 UserTesting and Maze (我们最喜欢的两个)都有自己的展板, 一旦测试计划就位,获得参与者相对较快.
  1. Focus Groups
    1. Process: A group session with a moderator for participants to give their feedback on a design, experience, or process.
    2. Benefit: 焦点小组可以节省时间. If you or your stakeholders are running a super tight schedule and need answers yesterday, 一个焦点小组是可行的方法. 
    3. Result: 你可以在1到2次会议中获得见解. Just be careful about the participants falling into groupthink and be aware you may lose some of the details you might get in a more intimate 1:1 setting. 


Once you’ve selected the right research tactics for you, it’s time to implement them. It’s important to note that any research should be an ongoing process that happens throughout pre-launch and should continue once the product is live. 你永远不能停止向用户学习.

Here we’ve highlighted what it could look like to integrate UX research into your pre-launch process and everything you could ideally accomplish in 12 weeks. 有几个因素会影响这一点:招募参与者, 团队带宽用于组织调查和分析结果, etc. 但根据我们的经验, 这是一个现实的时间表,你可以在短短12周内完成.


  • 与涉众对话,了解你想学习什么
  • 制定研究计划
  • 撰写和合作讨论指南或问卷


  • Using the recommendations laid out in the research plan to recruit the appropriate people to test with or talk to 
  • 安排与参与者的会议 
  • Creating a notetaking document to streamline data input and optimize synthesis 


  • 进行访谈、调查、用户测试或焦点小组 
  • 与团队成员进行汇报,开始确定任何新出现的趋势, 常用使用模式, 以及用户的痛点


  • 思维导图,排序和分类的发现 
  • 抽象发现以揭示更高层次的主题
  • 确定可行的建议和机会 


  • 组织发现, 高级主题, 并将推荐变成视觉上的赏心悦目, informative, 并且易于理解 
  • For user testing, add heatmaps, clickmaps, and any other relevant data-rich imagery to visualize how users interact with the product or service

Week 12: Readout

  • 向客户利益相关者提供调查结果和可行的建议
  • 留出时间回答问题,并为下一步提供相关材料


障碍是不可避免的. 尤其是在时间紧迫的情况下, it’s essential to keep an eye out for trouble spots and have a plan in place to adjust to or mitigate any delays. Here are some of the most common delays we see in implementing UX research on a tight schedule—and how we overcome them.

  1. 寻找合格的研究参与者
    1. Problem: Sometimes, it’s challenging to find the right mix of people to target for IDIs. If you can’t recruit participants promptly, your whole timeline can be thrown off. 
    2. Solution: If you know ahead of time that you want to do qualitative research in the form of IDIs, the sales team can help identify groups of people they can ask to participate. It’s also a great idea to offer incentives (like e-gift cards) that fit within your company’s budget. 简单有效.
  1. 在没有足够数据的情况下做出决定
    1. Problem: 精益研究和无关紧要的数据之间只有一线之隔. 虽然获得反馈并立即执行会让人感觉很有效率, 有时这会适得其反, 导致更多的延误.
    2. Solution: If you’re on a tight timeline and need to contextualize research findings fast, 试着看看现有的数据和过去的见解,以获得更多的视角. 
  1. 最后匆匆而过
    1. Problem: 如果你的时间很紧, many teams make the mistake of getting through a research process and not leaving enough time for compiling findings and analysis at the end. 没有这一点,你的研究就无法推动战略建议.
    2. Solution: 为最后的分析预留足够的时间. 即使你在研究过程的早期阶段跑偏了, you still need to make sure you have enough space to make all that hard work count. Otherwise, you just delayed your project to research for data you didn’t use.


在十大正规博彩网站排名,我们 将用户体验研究融入到每个项目中 we take on and champion centering the user experience in every build. Research isn’t a luxury—it’s a vital component of every product pre-launch and 需要在持续的基础上. 研究可以帮助你简化流程, 构建更加灵活和动态的产品, 并随着时间的推移产生有意义的商业胜利. And making this investment in research early on saves you time in the long run and helps you avoid costly delays down the line. 

Research can save you months and years of reconfiguring and rebuilding inflexible, 效率低下的产品. 你可以在短短12周内做很多事情.

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